Small Fleet Security

Your Small Fleet Will Make Big Savings with Moving Intelligence Telematics Save Money by Simply Installing a Small Box in Your Vehicles
Would you like to reduce your business costs and improve your bottom line?
Don’t be fooled into thinking that telematics is only accessible and beneficial for large commercial companies running a large number of vehicles — the little black box is a powerful business tool for small to medium-sized businesses too.
And a telematics system from Moving Intelligence is one of the most affordable and comprehensive solutions on the market — available from as little as 30p per day!
Take Control with Telematics
Telematics will allow you to track, analyse and improve the performance of your vehicles, saving your company time, money and inconvenience. It also allows you to boost business intelligence by gathering critical, powerful data — really putting you in the driver’s seat and heading towards greater profits.
Reduce Your Fuel Bills
The cost of running vehicles remains one of the main expenses for SMEs in Britain today. But telematics is a fantastic fuel management tool, allowing you to monitor and manage your driver’s routes, speed and idle time — meaning less fuel wastage. According to the Business Car Manager, the monitoring of vehicles can save your small business up to 15% on its annual fuel cost.
Reduce Your Insurance Premium
The installation of telematics will help reduce your insurance premium too. And in fact many insurers now insist that a tracking device is fitted prior to insuring a keyless entry vehicle.
Improve Your Customer Service
Thanks to 24/7 real-time location reporting, you’ll be able to provide a better service to your customers. Give more accurate delivery or arrival times simply by viewing live details of your vehicles in transit.
Keep Your Drivers and Vehicles Safe
The installation of a telematics system will allow you to access and address staff driving habits, making you aware of any reckless or dangerous driving that may pose a potential risk to your driver or vehicle. According to the RAC, this reduces the risk of an accident by up to 30%.
Driver Identification and Immobilisation
Easily identify the driver who is driving your vehicle and impose time restraints on its usage. Should one of your vehicles be used out of hours without permission, you’ll be able to quickly immobilise it via your secure portal.
To find out more about how Moving Intelligence can help your small to medium-sized business be more efficient, more productive and more profitable, call 0161 476 4050, today!