Speed Camera Detectors

It's very easy to travel a few MPH over the speed limit and we know people can be worried about speed cameras. Here at Phantom, we offer a system that detects speed cameras, helping you protect your license and your no claims bonus.

We have the ultimate GPS, radar, laser speed trap detector with a built-in, high-definition dash cam, with wireless updates via Apple and Android Smart Phones or Tablet and iPad. This system comes preloaded with our latest speed trap database, so it’s ready to use straight from the box. This speed detector system provides warnings for all types of speed traps whether that be speed cameras, average speed cameras or speed camera vans.

This system is very simple to install and can be transferred from one vehicle to another with ease. Simply attach to your windscreen with the windscreen bracket provided and it will automatically begin to look for speed traps and record the road ahead as it starts up.

Key features of our speed camera detector… 

  • Free updates for life
  • Preloaded speed trap database
  • Wireless speed trap updates
  • Compatible with Android and Apple smart phones and tablets
  • Long range radar/laser platform
  • Built-in HD DVR dash cam
  • Wireless video downloads
  • Automatic accident and event recording
  • Built-in GPS tracking

If you would like more information about our speed camera detection system and how it may benefit you, then contact us on 0161 7570330.