The Myths Surrounding Fleet Tracking
For those of you who are trying to implement fleet tracking or for those of you who are simply curious, this article will hopefully dispel some of the most common fleet tracking myths. As you read the following arguments try to keep in mind that these myths are usually perpetuated by those who do not fully understand the positive impact these systems have on the fleet industry.
Myth 1:
We trust our drivers therefore we do not need to incorporate the technology of fleet tracking into our businesses Fleet tracking does not challenge the trust you have in your staff. Whilst it may seem like monitoring a fleet or an individuals movement is akin to Big Brother, this is not entirely accurate. The reason so many fear this Big Brother type situation is because they are confused or lacking in knowledge as to what fleet tracking actually is. The suspicion that surrounds fleet tracking is unfounded because the technology is not about monitoring a drivers every movement; it is about monitoring and streamlining the fleets overall output and productivity. Fleet tracking is actually about effectively reducing a companies fuel costs and increasing their efficiency to ensure profit and productivity remain at a high standard. Inefficiencies and hindrances like unauthorised stops or travel all add up, costing companies money and wasting precious time. Not only do fleet tracking systems reduce business costs, they have been proven to reduce maintenance costs, improve road safety amongst drivers and increase dispatch and routing efficiency.
Myth 2:
Fleet tracking systems are expensive and complicated to use and install Like the previous myth, this is not entirely correct. The majority of tracking systems consist of the same basic elements meaning the design and technology is near enough the same for each and every fleet tracking system; so they're not quite as complicated as they are made out to be. All of these systems promise both ease of use and easy installation. For companies that are conscious about cost, it is understandable that any extra expenditure proves a concern. Whilst this can discourage many owners from investing in a tracking system it is important to remember that the cost of your companies current inefficiencies will often exceed that of the monthly expenses put towards a fleet tracking system. In light of this it is best to think of fleet tracking as a long-term investment rather than a spontaneous splurge. The majority of tracking systems actually achieve a secure return on investment within the first few months of operation thus making them a worthwhile investment.
Myth 3:
A fleet tracking system is just another product that I can buy in order to help make my business more efficient and productive Now this claim is at least half true. Fleet tracking systems will improve profitability, help your workers to be more productive and enable your business to be more efficient but they should never be regarded merely as a product. Tracking systems are a necessity for a smooth-running HGV business. These are just a few of the myths surrounding the subject of fleet tracking. For more information on our tracking systems, and how they can benefit your business, then get in touch with Phantom today.