Kubota U10 Excavator Retrieved!
A busy week indeed for AMI Groups’ finder team, the first of the recoveries this week was a Kubota U10 mini excavator. It was stolen from a customers site in Wales over the weekend. AMI was informed on Monday morning and immediately dispatched our finder network.
The team located the U10’s GPS position on AMI’s Nexis platform, which indicated that the excavator was located in a private compound in East Bilney, near Norwich. Upon arrival on site the team found that the excavator was hidden behind a large fence so visual verification could not be obtained.
Our finder team needed grounds to request Police presence on site, so we set up and sent out the AMI finder drone. It was flown over the site in order to gain a visual verification of the excavator; once we could clarify the location we called the authorities to gain access to the compound.
The Kubota was successfully retrieved after three hours on site. The police arranged for the excavator to be recovered and taken for forensic evidence, the customer was delighted to have their equipment located and in honesty our finder team appreciates any opportunity to utilise the drone!