Fleets Reject Proposed Rise in Speeding Fines

Government proposals to raise the maximum speeding fine to a hefty 10,000 pounds have been opposed by most fleets, according to Fleet News. An online poll conducted by Fleet News showed that roughly 22% of fleets were in favour of the measure while the remaining 78% rejected the rise. The result mirrored the outcome from a survey that was conducted by TrackCompare.co.uk; the survey was launched not long after the proposals. A director from TrackCompare, Kjell Anderton, commented, This poll attracted far more comments than any we've held over the past year. Those against had strong views and people in favour were just as forthright. 
The justification for the rise of the maximum fine was said to be part of sweeping reforms to the penalties which can be imposed by magistrates. In addition, other fines such as exceeding the speed limit on a dual carriageway and more roads were said to increase from £1,000 to £4,000. The fine for using a mobile whilst driving is also set to increase. Furthermore, magistrates will be granted the power to enforce an unlimited fine for other offences including driving with no insurance and carelessness on the road. Head of external affairs at RAC, Pete Williams, said, When will we hear the Government is investing in better road safety awareness campaigns and police on the roads, rather than just doling out what looks like revenue-boosting punishment?
Looking into the matter a little deeper, for fleets that have invested in alternative safety measures, like fleet tracking that allow fleet owners to manage and monitor their drivers; it may be the case that they oppose the rise in speeding fines as they see no issue with the way that their drivers currently act on the road. However, taking this into consideration, the proposed hike could be a way to make the road safer for HGV and LGV drivers and reduce the likelihood of accidents on busy roads. So, how do you feel about the increase in the maximum fine for speeding? Do you believe it will help to improve safety on the road? If you're interested in investing in a fleet tracking system and would like to know more about what they can do for you, please take a look at the rest of our blog. If you cant find what you're looking for or you'd like to enquire, please get in touch with our friendly customer service team today for more information. We would be happy to assist in any way that we can and we look forward to hearing from you.