Don’t be Complacent

It goes without saying that huge advances have been made in recent years to help prevent plant theft. Nevertheless, it’s important that we don’t become complacent and remain vigilant about the very real (and expensive!) threat of plant theft.

There is still a high number of older Mini Excavators, Dumpers, Rollers and other machines being stolen from sites. With little or no security features on the machines, they are often an easy target for thieves. Theft by fraud still remains a huge threat and many plant hirers have been affected at one time or another. Machine attachments are another target, in that they are easily transportable, difficult to identify and easily exported overseas, but even these can now be protected with small tracking devices.

At AMI Group, we offer a range of tracking devices which give plant hirers superb protection in the event of plant theft. Even if plant machinery is stolen, the AMI tracking devices allow plant hirers to quickly pinpoint the location of the equipment to the nearest metre and enable its recovery – saving the plant hirer thousands of pounds and avoiding the hassle and inconvenience of replacing stolen kit. A small investment can pay dividends, as the money spent on increasing security measures can be quickly recovered through insurance discounts, reduced claims and less downtime.

Virtually on a daily basis we are helping AMI Group customers across the UK to locate and recover stolen equipment as a result of the use of state-of-the-art tracking devices which utilise GPS (Global Positioning System), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and RF (Radio Frequency) technology. Once an AMI tracking device is fitted to a piece of machinery, customers can logon to the AMI Nexis web-based portal to establish its exact destination.