Criminals target small plant.

Criminals are still targeting smaller pieces of construction plant machinery with increase seen across the whole of the UK but AMI Group are leading the battle against plant theft and recovering those assets stolen as seen in the latest recovery of a pedestrian roller.

 AMI’s customer realised the roller had been stolen early one morning when returning to the office following a call from their customer. Fortunately, the roller was fitted with a battery-operated unit which AMI checked the location of and put the unit into finder mode.

 By utilising the GSM positioning technology from the unit AMI Group established the roller was located just 30 minutes away from Kent where it was first stolen from.

 A finder was dispatched to the Maidstone area and the RF technology was switched on to assist in the recovery of the roller. When our finder arrived on site it was apparent the roller was inside of paint shop due to the strong signal gained. In order to access the building, the police were called and informed of the situation.

 Once the police arrived on site access was gained and the roller was discovered just in the nick of time. The roller was scheduled to be painted white to disguise its identity before then being sold on to an unsuspecting individual or company. Once discovered the roller was recovered by its owner and returned to its job the following day.

 AMI Group have dealt with many finds where the machines have been stripped of all identification marking and in many cases sprayed another colour all in the attempt to re-brand and sell on the members of the public or shipped overseas. AMI Group specialise in tailored solutions which offer a range of technology to ensure assets are recovered even when indoors or inside containers where traditional GPS may fail.

 Theft is just one aspect which AMI Group assist with. The Nexis online portal allows for companies to become proactive in their management of assets, employees and revenue. Many customers have seen theft decrease since having AMI solutions fitted along with an increase in revenue thanks to scheduled reports sent directly to their email.