Combatting the Rise of Car Theft Across the UK

The UK has witnessed a significant surge in car theft cases over the past few years, with certain vehicle brands such as Ford, BMW, Porsche, Range Rover, Land Rover, and Mercedes becoming prime targets for criminals. The high market value of these brands' models has made them progressively attractive to thieves, who are then able to ship them out of the country or sell them for parts.

A recent analysis released by AA Insurance showed that 130,389 cars were stolen throughout 2022, compared to 104,435 in 2021 - a significant 24.9% increase. These statistics truly emphasise the importance of taking robust security measures in order to safeguard your valuable assets.

At Moving Intelligence, we have developed a number of security systems, in order to protect your vehicle and combat the rise of car theft in the UK.


With three ITrack products available (ITrack S7, ITrack S5 and ITrack Ultimate), our wired-in units allow you to gain control and confidence with 24/7 live tracking, tamper alerts and detailed driving reports. The ITrack Ultimate provides the highest level of security for your car, featuring immobilisation technology to stop thieves in their tracks.


Our AT4 is an industry leading, robust battery operated tracking device, equipped with anti-scan and GSM technology. With an extensive battery life, the AT4 provides up to 3,000 lifetime positions, providing long term, cost effective protection for your car. 

Mi01 Sentry

As a Thatcham S7 accredited unit, having the Mi01 Sentry installed in your car can lower insurance premiums, providing proven protection for your vehicle. The device also equips your asset with GPS, cell-site positioning and RF signal for maximum effectiveness.

Ready to protect your car from theft? Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to advise you or answer any questions.