Asset Management- An Invaluable Business Tool!

In the continually technologically advanced world we live in; telematics and tracking has seen significant increase in popularity among a wide range of industries. Business owners now recognise how asset management can be utilised to improve their business revenues and income through location based tracking solutions and asset monitoring. Perhaps as more information is widely available now than previously on the topic.

AMI Group is proud to be recognised as Industry Leading Developers of solutions for business and asset management, as well as our tracking technologies. Our solutions are utilised by a variety of industries including; agriculture, plant and machinery, chemical/gas sellers and vehicle hire.

Our asset management solutions are highly effective in tracking asset usage including; distance/hours utilised, journey history and speed violations- among many other useful features. This is all clearly presented on our in-house Nexis portal; specially developed by our programmers to best present the data the solutions collect in a clear manner. Furthermore, the program can be utilised to set service reminders and alerts, which can be personalised to suit individual requirements.

How can AMI’S SOLUTIONS keep you and your employees SAFE and SAVE YOU MONEY?

  • Tyre blowouts and tyres worn down in general are presenting a large safety issue out on the roads; our devices can track mileage and send alerts to business owners when their vehicle is coming up for servicing. This will limit the chance of tyres becoming overly worn and prevent health and safety breaches and even legal prosecution.
  • The Nexis platform can track and send alerts when a speeding violation is in progress and will also keep a historical account so repeat offenders can be identified. Speeding is both dangerous to those committing and surrounding violators. It also puts extra strain on assets which can lead to repair and servicing fees that wouldn’t otherwise occur.
  • Our AT5 can be utilised as an asset management solution, the locating properties of the device can be used to streamline stock takes and locate tanks when in transit. This allows business owners to save expenses from sending staff to site for stock takes. Furthermore tanks in transit can be monitored; allowing for extra security. Route variants could suggest the driver has come across an issue and needs assistance.
  • GeoPaths can be set to ensure that during travelling any asset can be monitored; an alert can be sent if the asset strays from the path laid out. This is useful if journeys are undertaken through areas prone to theft or at night; when hi-jacking is more common. Also to ensure that staff are not spending longer than necessary to get to a location, saving in fuel and running costs.
  • The hour’s usage feature and subsequent service reminders can be utilised to ensure that no warranties are put in jeopardy by outdated servicing. Additionally this ensures that equipment is being checked regularly and on time for any faults and ensuring the Health and Safety needs of staff are met.

The above is only a snippet of what our solutions are capable of. It is important to AMI that all of our clients are benefiting in every possible way from our devices. Both in terms of increasing revenue and income and ensuring keen staff management.