AMI recover stolen tools using tiny GPS tracking device

Tradespeople across the UK are losing out on thousands of pounds, as advanced thieves target vans and storage containers for the expensive tools inside. AMI Group have identified this growing problem in the construction industry and have figured out how our award winning solutions could help tackle this. Looking through data, the statistics uncovered show how big an issue this is with half of builders in the UK being victims of tool theft. Also we found the constant theft of tools has been critical to construction workers relationships with customers and negatively affecting their financial state. AMI’s R&D team utilised our smallest GPS tracker yet to store inside a drills battery. The AT unit boasts exceptional recovery rates, 100% of stolen equipment with a covertly installed GPS tracker have been recovered. This combined with industry leading battery life and tiny dimensions is set to lead the battle against tool theft and reunite owners with their valuable work tools. Once the unit is fitted, you will have access to our AMI Nexis web based and app portal to establish exact location of tools the GPS tracking device is fitted to.